
10 (x2) Things You Can’t Do While Following Jesus

Recently I ran into a link to The God Article’s “10 Things You Can’t Do While Following Jesus”  Personally, I think it’s a spot-on reminder of what scripture says, which is often contrary to the way Believers live.  (BTW:  as a guy who follows both religion and science, I love the name of that site!) …

10 (x2) Things You Can’t Do While Following Jesus Read More »

2010 Reviewed, Part II: A New Faith

I have an interesting history when it comes to religion (heck, what don’t I have an interesting history in?) Growing up I went to St. Joe – a public school that also happened to be a Catholic school. By that, I mean I had to attend church services in the mornings, and take Catechism classes. That’s really not that abnormal, except the part where it was a public school. Oh, yeah, and the part where I wasn’t Catholic. Nor, even in first grade, did I have any desire to become Catholic.

I, in fact, went to one of the many flavors of protestant churches, and was protestant. As you can imagine, this causes a problem – the nuns and students at the Catholic public school were telling me I was going to Hell for not being Catholic, or at very minimum, I wasn’t going to Heaven (there’s always that nice ‘catch all’ in between of Purgatory.) And of course, the protestants saying the Catholics were going to Hell for not being protestants.