[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][custom_headline type=”center” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h2″ accent=”true”]Just A Quickie[/custom_headline][text_output]

Today was a pretty good day of rest – as it should be 🙂 Â I played around with some video game stuff for a while, contemplated how I’m going to fix my desk height issue (my desk is too short to maintain proper posture when typing / working – I’m slowly trying to set properly when typing, to minimize the stress on various parts of the body), had good food with Kat, and went out to see friends.
The event was Gel E. Bean‘s Birthday Bash, which was a combination of birthday and variety show, featuring:
And, someone who I’ve suddenly forgotten. Â Yeah, you know it’s a pretty good show when one of the performers has a Wikipedia page 😉 Â (Big Pappa E has appeared on HBO, among other things.)
I’m not downplaying the rest of the performers, but, if you get a chance to see Big Pappa E. do a poetry slam, go for it. Â There’s some seriously strong language involved, but, it’s appropriate. Â He did three bits, and all of them were incredibly strong, interesting, and thought-worthy pieces.
I was incredibly happy to see it go so well – it was a packed house for most of the night (it started at 10 PM). Â Gel E. Bean has been a performer for ages, but, now he’s trying to make it his living. Â If this is an indication of how things are going to go for him, it’s a damned good start. Â Hat’s off to ya’ Ol’ Bean, hope this works! 🙂
Side note about it: Â this is the first time I’ve actually paid to be a sponsor of something like this. Â Residential Aliens Magazine and Fear & Trembling Magazine both got mentions on stage, and on their various social media feeds, along with the other sponsors of the show, Kat Made This and Black Raven Comics![/text_output][custom_headline type=”center” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h2″ accent=”true”]2014 Goal Tracking[/custom_headline][text_output]OK, one more update on the 365 Project, and I’ll shut up about it for a while. Â I decided I wanted to be able to visibly see what my progress in various areas was. Â So, now, the front page of the site as multiple trackers (and I can add more if I really want to) for workout goals, eating goals, revenue goals, smoking goals, and of course, the 365 Project goals.
The only downside: they don’t auto-update, I have to update them from time to time. Â It’s not a really big deal, but, I’m sure I’ll eventually get annoyed with it and write a plugin that pulls data from the posts and populates the bars on the front page (actually, I HAVE written one before, though it doesn’t do any caching, so it would be searching through about 1k posts every time someone hits the front page. Not exactly CPU or memory friendly.)[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][line][custom_headline type=”center” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h2″ accent=”true”]Today’s Stats[/custom_headline][text_output]
- Workouts:
- Cigarettes Smoked:
- Healthy Eating:
Projects Worked on:
- Worked on info for Residential Aliens Magazine / Fear And Trembling Magazine distribution
- (Still Un-named) Android / iOS app
- Jumpman Forever Ouya integration work