Air dates set for show, 3 days, 3 meetings and 3 websites

  So, in three days time I had three mettings on various stuff – one with KTQW to get the air times and talk about what we’ve got in mind for the future, and what we’re planning on doing with the webcast version of the show. For those wondering when it’s going to air:
Thusdays (starting July 6) at 10 PM on KTQW, Channel 49 Wichita 
Friday, 4 PM on World Of Gamer Zone’s website
Encore airing on Wensday at 11:30 AM again on KTQW
So the show now has a schedule for airing – cool 
Next day, next meeting: Boring. I was there as basically moral support, tech support, and information gathering for someone else. Bleh.
Next day, next meeting: Red Bull. They want to throw a tournament at Gamer Zone. Now… problem is, they don’t exactly know what they want to do. In fact, they weren’t aware of commerical licensing when you use a copyrighted product for profit or public performance. But they want to do SOMETHING, so, I gave ’em some suggestions on what could be done. No idea how that’s going to play out. However, I’m never much for tournys – they don’t do much other than disrupt the normal flow of business. Anytime you disrupt your normal flow, it takes days to return to normal. So, gotta charge decent money for the tournaments. I’m sure someone will say “but it brings in new members!” Hardly. From the Madden and Halo tourneys, we’ve gotten two new members that were in the tourneys. That’s it. Pretty much not worth it.
On the flipside of this – next week on Thursday they will be dropping off a couple of cases of Red Bull and some coolers, and we’ll be giving away free Red Bull just for the heck of it. The idea is to get us to sell Red Bull, but we’ll see what really happens with that – before, I couldn’t even give it away hardly.
With all of that, the TV show, and running the counter at GZ, I’ve reworked the Gamer Zone Website, created a web site for World of Gamer Zone and am working on the Midnight Ryder Technologies / Midnight Ryder Games / Midnight Ryder Productions website too. I used some serious shortcuts, and if you visit all three you can see they use the same exact core stuff to build the site from, but, the content is completely different. This just gives me a core to expand from – later, I can continue to add new stuff to it, change out graphics, etc. Gotta start somewhere.
All of the crew for the TV show has been selected.  Harmon helms up the directorial process, and runs a camera.  KTQW is providing Vince, one of thier camera people / geeks for a couple of shows, then we’ve got two people training in to become camera people.  The first one trains in on this first episode, and the second one trains in the episode after.  
Pretty much everything is in order with the show.  I am so pumped.  
I like Red Bull o_o;;;
Nice to see the websites working.
Posted 6/22/2006 6:42 PM by Aur0raXXBorealis – reply
ok, just hit send on a copy of the Chrome version of the logo (the prefered version looks wise). Are ya’ happy now? 
Posted 6/22/2006 6:53 PM by GamerZoneCenters – reply
Posted 6/23/2006 6:20 AM by snakezit – reply
LOL – actually, Wichita LAN is going to be doing a Halo tourney pretty soon here. Zac is getting me some fliers, and I’ll be putting them up at GZ. So you’ve got access to at least one Halo tourney soon 
Posted 6/23/2006 3:15 PM by GamerZoneCenters – reply
GAMER ZONE!!!! rules Just giving my Propz to the OWNER of Gamer Zone!!Your Business is very appercitated.
Posted 6/25/2006 12:26 PM by Marine_Cadet – reply

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